Community supported agriculture

creating a better food system

Luna Farm CSA is a community supported farm project; a partnership between the farmers and the customers.  Through this partnership we can work together to create a food system that works for everyone.   Our customers know where their food comes from and who grows their food.  They have a direct relationship with the farmers and the land.  Our customers trust us to farm in a regenerative way and to produce the freshest and highest quality food possible at a fair price.  

as the farmers, we have a guaranteed market for our products and we receive a fair price.  This allows us to know what to grow each year, use regenerative farming practices, raise livestock humanely, and to share our farming knowledge with other likeminded individuals.  We want to continue the legacy set before us for this land to be abundant and Fruitful for generations to come.    

The customer/farmer partnership reduces waste in our food systems.  We Only grow what our customers need.  We are able to utilize produce of all sizes & shapes instead of the mono-sized, perfectly picked, market ready mass produce products found in supermarkets across the united states.  We work with the local food banks and other organizations by donating any produce that remains at the end of pick ups in order to provide access to fresh produce to all members of the community.  Each year this partnership donates several hundred dollars worth of produce to Humboldt County and food for people food pantries. 

Learn more about the farm!



All our produce is grown without the input of any synthetic or artificial fertilizers or pesticides.   We are certified organic by CCOF.  We are also a farm participant for the organic Seed Alliance. An additional label to let customers know we are a committed to crop diversity and soil sustainability in our watershed.

all of the vegetables are started from seed, by hand, on the farm either in the field or in one of our greenhouses. The land is only fertilized with chicken Manure, Agricultural lime or cover crop and we predominately rely on ground water/dry farming to give our crops a drink. A very carefully planned rotation allows fields to be taken out of production to build soil fertility. This means we cultivate twice as many acres as needed for vegetable crop production. The result is that we have very low incidences of pests and diseases. We believe that soil health & water preservation are the basis for sound farming. 

Get to know what we grow by purchasing a CSA box today and enjoy a bountiful season of fresh produce from June through October. Boxes include a variety of fresh herbs, seasonal vegetables, fruits, flowers and more!